May 25, 2009


Just want to share my experiences working in this unit. Personally I feel that this unit has a lot of potential because of the number of enthusiastic nurses. I am quite happy to see their team work, friendship and the energy or spirit they can bring into the workplace. They had shown their willingness to change or improve to be a better nurse. During my previous lecture on Emotional Intelligence, I am quite suprise to see their response and interest and some even expressed that they hope to be a better nurse with high emotional inteligence. I am happy to be with them and would like to guide them to become an excellence Nurse in the future. Please guys work with me and together we succeed!! Happy Nurses Day and I hwish everyday is nurses day so that nurses feel happy and appreciated everday!!

By Auntiesue

May 13, 2009


Ani lecture yang pertama sempena Nurses Day, topic: Emotional Intelligence. So resolution untuk nurses day ani kami mau mengasah dan mempertingkatkan lagi emotional intelligence kami untuk menjadikan kami jururawat yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang. Dapat berkerjasama dalam satu pasukan, hormat menghormati di antara satu dengan yang lain dan empathy.
Di dalam gambar ani, masing-masing pun bersemangat untuk mempertingkatkan diri dan harap maju jaya semuanya...

Happy Nurses Day 2009

May 12, 2009


My reatest greetings to all nurses in Brunei Darussalam " Happy Nurses Day 2009". May Allah bless all the hard work, patience, empathy and caring. Mudah-mudahan menjadi jururawat yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang. Jadikan profession jururawat sebagai ibadah seharian semoga mendapat keberkatan dan maju jaya.

Syabas kepada jururawat semua...

"Sharing feeling and caring......a better world to live in...

April 24, 2009

Topic 2: “wishing you had done things differently’ OR “It’s not my Fault”

How many times in your life have you either thought or said “I wish I hadn’t said that’ or “ I wish I had reacted differently’? The answer is probably too many times to count, and that is normal for most of us.

In simple terms, becoming emotionally intelligent will reduce the number of times you will find yourself either thinking or saying such things in future. What do you understand by Emotional Intelligent?


How often do we hear someone say “ I just could’nt help it” or ‘ it was completely outside my control’ whenreferring to their actions or verbal responses to a difficult situation.
In fact, we can always ‘help it’.
The difference between someone who uses EI and someone who does not is that the emotionally intelligent person will fight to maintain control of their emotions and refuse to allow them to dictate their actions unless appropriate. The person who is not using EI will simply give sway to the emotions, regardless of the outcome (an then, of course say “I couldn’t help it”, it just happened.

Topic1:Reply2: Perception


Perception is what we think of something and it shaped or pattern by our and others experiences, what other told us and what happen around us.
So secara kebiasannya with lack of intuition (which most of us memang lack including me) our perception atu salah.. sebab atu ada pepatah “don’t judge the book by its cover”.
Masalahnya we biasa ambil bulat2 what others said..cos we don’t use our brain to think utk menilai sendiri.
Most of us cannot see the other side of that person sebab atu we tend to wrongly or miss judged. Try to see things as if you are looking at 3D.. then you understand and find the truth..insyaAllah..
Remember nobody is perfect even me and you! So ketepikan buruk sangka..
I’m Just Human!I might be wrong... :P

By: Feenz

Topic 1: Reply 1: What is your impression

What your impression..

M Proton wrote:
“kalau at first atu kadang2 nya beri confuse pulang maklumlah they are stranger, but maybe it is our culture to see people at first impression atu atau we tend to dengar dari mulut or cerita org rather than knowing that person personally..if orang atu fitnah kah apa kah pecaya tah jua..maybe some may see as that but if me kadang2 terpedaya jua either terpedaya they are good or the other way round..we get along with that people and analyse on our own...buka mata hati bukan saja mata..hehe personality orang atu will kelihatan.”

post by: gen2
6:21 PM (13 minutes ago)

TOPIC 1: What is you perception on the person you first met?

What do you think about this? why and how do you perceive a person you first met? what is your first impression on them? their attitudes? behaviour? How do you make judgement? How do you decide whether you want to continue the relationship ? Well, it's up to you and please share your experiences and e-mail to and I will post your opinion in this blog.

"Appearance of things change according to the emotions and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves". -Kahlil Gilbran.

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. -Anais Nin".

April 23, 2009


Pagi! Pagi! Pagi! dan salam semut.
Salam kepada ESQ Alumni semua!
Saya masih tercari-cari adakah ESQ training masih lagi di adakan di Brunei? Bila kah?
Saya merasa terpanggil-panggil sekali lagi untuk menghadirinya. Saya mengikuti ESQ pada Dec 2007 (angkatan ke 4). Sekiranya ada sesiapa yng mempunyai info mengenai perkara ini please e-mail to
Thank You!



"Knowledge is power"..ayat-ayat yang sering di sebut bagi golongan intelectuall. Secara peribadi saya sangat bersetuju dan bagi menyahut dan mempraktikannya saya merasa terpanggil bagi mencipta satu blog lagi selain "My World" iaitu "bincang2 sihat" bagi tujuan pembelajaran dan berkongsi ilmu. Saya berharap niat ikhlas saya dapat di rasakan dan di jankiti seperti virus kepada pembaca yang budiman dan ikhlas dalam berkongsi pengalaman masing-masing di dalam blog ini. Di harap ia nya menjadi pencetus minda dan menjadikan kita seorang yang penuh berilmu dan beremosi yang tinggi kerana "Knowledge is power "...............


Hjh Radiah Omar (auntiesue)