April 24, 2009

Topic 1: Reply 1: What is your impression

What your impression..

M Proton wrote:
“kalau at first atu kadang2 nya beri confuse pulang maklumlah they are stranger, but maybe it is our culture to see people at first impression atu atau we tend to dengar dari mulut or cerita org rather than knowing that person personally..if orang atu fitnah kah apa kah pecaya tah jua..maybe some may see as that but if me kadang2 terpedaya jua either terpedaya they are good or the other way round..we get along with that people and analyse on our own...buka mata hati bukan saja mata..hehe personality orang atu will kelihatan.”

post by: gen2
6:21 PM (13 minutes ago)


BINCANG2 said...

Partly I agree with you..kitani selalu menjudge orang degan first impression, dangar cerita yang balum tantu banar. It depends jua on personality seseorang. It is good to experience dulu dengan perangai orang atu rather than we jump to conclusion. I like when you said "buka mata hati bukan mata saja". It is true bukannya mata yang buta kadangnya tapi hati ani yang membutakan pikiran kitani. Lagipun attitude seseorang atu tergantung kepada keadaan hatinya.Thank you for you comments.

arika said...

honestly i catogerized myself as one of the people who judge a book from its cover and yes sometimes its true and sometimes its totally not true. and from what i learn in life: its better if we could take time to know/learn/understand the person personality first before judging them! and they might become your bestfriend instead of enemy! my shout out: u might bump to an individual when he/she havin rough time thus ur perception towards them would be unfair!!... ;)